Sound Healing Prayer
I feel blessed to pray with anyone who may need healing for any reason. Healing Prayer can be found in every faith path, from laying on of hands, chant, intercessory prayer, and silent allowing. In some ancient cultures, when someone is born, the healer of the tribe would be called to sing a sacred song particular to that person. Whenever a person would become ill or have lost their way in their life, the healer would sing this “soul song” to bring the person back to their original self. We have lost this sense of community and sacred sound in our culture. Our voices were meant to evoke the divine in our communities so that we will be able to connect and remember our true nature as One with God. Our voice can either bless or curse, create peace or discord, evoke chaotic light or healing light. Scientifically, sound produces light through friction which carries the information that we feel, speak, and/or visualize. Therefore, through the power of the voice, we have the opportunity to create change. Jesus and many spiritual masters used their voice and hands in powerful ways for healing.
Following this wisdom, in a healing prayer session, we will create sacred space together by singing this sacred “Soul Song” by asking for the presence of the Divine. After the song, there may be a silence, verbal prayer, laying on of hands (even through a distance ), spiritual guidance, or images depending on whatever the Spirit brings forth at the time. Healing can come in many forms such as physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Sometimes a good conversation or cry is what is needed. It can be instantaneous or happen over time. Sometimes healing can be in the form of information about lifestyle, relationships, or things that need to change to create more flow, forgiveness, and integrity. Other times healing may come from opportunities that start to drop into someone’s lap randomly after the session or ideas and solutions to specific issues start to present themselves. The deepest healing for all of us is to reconnect to our Divine Nature of Love. Through love, all things are possible.
Healing can transmit over time and space so we can do these sessions from a distance through zoom or with a photo.
To learn more or set up a session:

by artist Linda Barry.
Angel Raphael, the Angel of Healing.
Click below to listen to the song that was inspired by this drawing
from Michele’s album, “Angels Among Us”.
Note: I offer healing prayer and mentoring sessions to anyone who is in need of healing. Donations to my ministry and work are welcome but not required.