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Instrumental and vocalise pieces that depict scripture passages from various scenes of the life of Jesus. Each piece is a tone poem, music that tells a story in melodies. Listen while reading the scripture passage for a unique prayer experience.

The Story behind the Music:

This collection of pieces started when I was a pastoral musician in college at Xavier University in Cincinnati. The piece “Outpouring of the Holy Spirit” on this album came forth naturally one day when we needed extra music to fill a lull in the action during mass. Apparently, someone forgot to put out the bread and wine beforehand and the priest kept motioning me to keep playing for about 10 minutes. Around this time, I had experienced a profound Light dream that felt like I went to heaven. So, I envisioned myself in this light and this piece came forth. My friends nicknamed it, “The Water Song” because it sounded like water flowing. As I continued in church ministry, more songs started to come forth while I was meditating on the themes of the liturgy during mass at the piano. namely the scripture passages that tell the story of Jesus’ life, from the Annunciation to the Ascension into heaven. This also fits into the scripture passages that accompany the prayer of the traditional rosary. It’s scripture in sound!